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Drama classes provide a place for children to be anything and anyone they want to be.  

Through imagined characters and fictional settings, young people are able to role play in make-believe situations that mirror their own experiences, allowing them to make sense of the world around them. Though study in Drama is often associated with a career in the arts industry, the soft skills developed through studying drama cannot be underestimated and are directly transferable to the working world. Our Drama classes encourage students to be creative and curious - we want children to have a place to express themselves and to feel comfortable doing so in front of their peers. A persons inhibitions can negatively impact their decisions and enjoyment of activities and we at standUP believe that participating in Drama classes can build a child's confidence and help reduce inhibitions later in life. 

standUP Education Drama classes cover a range of topics and explore a range of dramatic conventions including improvisation, character creation, devising theatre and script work and it never hurts to have a little fun along the way. 


LAMDA is a world-renowned examining board providing students the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications in communication and performance. Our StandUP teachers can provide after school classes working towards completing an exam in Acting or Public speaking.


As well as developing key communication and performance skills, studying, preparing and completing LAMDA exams develop children's confidence in their own abilities and the way in which they present themselves to their peers and adults.


What's more, as students reach the higher grades, including grade 6, 7 and 8, they are awarded UCAS points which can be added to their final UCAS Tariff points when applying for higher education at university. 


Everyone, at some point in their life, is likely to encounter a situation where they are required to speak in public, whether this be to inform, persuade or entertain an audience. For some, this can be a daunting experience and one many actively avoid, for fear of potential embarrassment or of putting themselves out there.  


We at standUP Education feel that it is of paramount importance that children are given the opportunity to develop the communication skills and confidence required to be a proficient public speaker from a young age. To be able to speak publicly with confidence, and effective delivery, is a skill that will benefit young people throughout their education, enabling them to speak confidently when reading aloud, sharing work and presenting to their peers. Engaging in public speaking classes during primary education can build an excellent foundation that children can utilise later in life, including university and employment interviews, working environments and of course, the everyday social interactions where this skill is required.  


standUP Public Speaking classes provide a space for children to learn strategies that will help them be comfortable to standUP in front of others, be themselves without fear or inhibitions and let the world hear what they have to say. 

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